How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost in Sun City Center, FL

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost in Sun City Center, FL?

TeamDental Bridges

A dental bridge replaces missing teeth and completes a healthy smile. It is a quicker and lower-cost alternative to dental implants, which may take several months to complete.

In the Sun City Center, FL, area, a dental bridge costs, on average, $1366.

When Dental Bridges are Needed

Your oral health can suffer if you lose a tooth due to damage or decay. A dental bridge fills the gap a missing tooth leaves, keeping its neighbors in place and completing a healthy-looking smile.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

  • Protect teeth from shifting out of position
  • Filling gaps where food and plaque may collect, worsening oral health
  • Sturdy and long-lasting
  • Improves chewing ability
  • Restores appearance
  • Less expensive than implants
  • More comfortable than partial dentures

How Dental Bridges Work

A bridge is a restorative dental appliance that replaces up to three teeth at a time. A conventional bridge anchors to crowns on healthy teeth on either side of the gap. Artificial teeth called pontics sit between the crowns.

The Dental Bridge Process

Getting a dental bridge takes only a few weeks from start to finish. Following are the steps to receiving your new bridge:

Step 1: Consultation

Before beginning the process, you will meet your dentist and discuss your needs. Your dentist will help you select the type and location of your new bridge based on your oral health. Your lifestyle and oral care practices also affect your choice.

If you recently had a tooth extracted, you must wait until the gum heals before placing your bridge. This process typically takes a few weeks to a month.

Step 2: Teeth Preparation

The dentist will prepare your abutment teeth for crowns at your next appointment. Healthy teeth on either side of the gap are essential to a conventional bridge. You can opt for an implant-supported bridge if you lack strong teeth to form anchors.

Step 3: Temporary Bridge Placement

During the same appointment as Step 2, your dentist will place a temporary bridge to close the gap and keep your prepared teeth safe until the permanent bridge returns from the lab.

Step 4: Permanent Bridge Placement

Your dentist will fit your bridge precisely, ensuring it is sturdy and secure. It may take some time to become accustomed to wearing the bridge.

Types of Dental Bridges

  • Conventional bridge: Attaches to crowns on either side and requires the presence of healthy teeth.
  • Maryland bridge: Instead of placing dental crowns, the dentist cements small metal wings to the healthy teeth on either side.
  • Cantilever bridge: If you only have a single healthy tooth on the side of the gap, a cantilever bridge may work for you. However, they put extra pressure on the supporting crown.
  • Implant-supported bridge: Two implants replace the crowned teeth at both sides, making this bridge an excellent option for patients with multiple adjacent missing teeth.

Caring for Your Dental Bridge

Brush your teeth at least twice daily, using an interproximal brush to reach plaque and food particles under and around your bridge. Do not eat hard or sticky foods, and don't use your teeth as tools. Floss around and under your bridge using a floss threader. Use a fluoride mouth rinse.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bridges

Can I remove my bridge for cleaning?

Your dentist will cement your bridge; you cannot remove it at home. To prevent future issues, it would be best to take excellent care of your bridge and the surrounding teeth. Ensure you acquire interproximal (interdental brushes) and floss threaders at any pharmacy.

How long does a dental bridge take to settle?

Generally, it takes a few weeks to wear a dental bridge. Your gums and cheeks will slowly adjust to the bridge, and in turn, your bridge will adapt to the contours of your bite. Metal bridges settle faster than ceramic and porcelain bridges.

Call Jacobs and Thatcher Dentistry

If you have a missing tooth and have searched for a solution, a bridge may help you. Bridges can restore the appearance and function of your smile while providing excellent value. Please call Jacobs and Thatcher Dentistry's Sun City Center, FL, office at 813-634-1932 to schedule a consultation today.